Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pineapple upside down cake

It's funny how after so long together, there are still things that surprise each of us. Like, for example, that Virgil says one day, 'I love pineapple upside down cake.' What you've got to be kidding me, I've never seen you eat it, since when?- Since forever- What, that's just crazy- are you kidding with me? NO I really love pineapple upside down cake.... Ok
So not only does he like it, he even has a way to prepare it that is specific. It needs to have the crushed pineapples not the rings... Ok
I find this recipe for cooking it in a cast-iron skillet, and give it a try. It was sooo easy to make. The end result is a mixed review with it was tasty, yet it did taste a little like fried chicken. I'd make it again maybe using a cake pan instead... But it was something new I'd never baked before.

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