Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Words @ 13 months

Here are her newest words.
Vroom Vroom(racecar)
Neigh (horse)
Duck, Quack
Rockin Rockin
B (Blanket, don't ask us why but she says it)
Belly B (Belly button)
And she adds two words now too!
Bye dadda
Hi Bubba
here foxy
no down

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My Bubba's take me to the Zoo

My mom has these 'zoo passes'. I guess she thinks that means we need to go to the zoo a lot. My brother's came with me one time. They sure are fun guys to have around. They said that Mom used to take them to the zoo a lot too. I do love going though. When the weather cools down some I bet I will like it a lot more.

Audrey Comes for a Visit

My friend Audrey came for a visit for two weeks. We did so many fun things. The first couple of days I wasn't too sure if I really wanted her around all the time (I was a little mean-pintching and pulling hair) But by the end of the visit I was really glad she was here. We went to the zoo, and on the train ride and to the other zoo, and the aquarium and to Marcia's Farm in Kiowa and we baked together and went fishing and swimming. Everyday we helped mom water the garden and then played in the sand box. At night we read stories together. Man we sure had fun.

Family Reunion In Oklahoma

When mom went to Oklahoma to pick up my friend Audrey we stopped in at Grandpa's family reunion. I also got to see my cousin Alisha. We went swimming.

Cherry Creek Reservoir

I love going to the 'lake' with my brothers. They take me to ride the jet ski and pull me around in the tube. I love chasing the geese around and playing in the sand.I am quite the little tuber though. The first time I was like "what so fun about this?" But now I see the Jet ski in the garage And beg to go out. Thanks Bubbas!

Happy 4th of July

For the 4th of July Mom and Dad took me to the Cheyenne Mt Zoo. Where I could feed the giraffes. I was quite offened though that the Giraffe actually took the cracker which I planned on eating. Dad took me for a pony ride to cheer me up. It was a fun way to spend the day.

What I've learned to say in 12 months

Not only am I a really tall girl I am also a really talkative girl... (hmm dad wonder where I get that) Here is a list of words I say. Dada
Aunt Nicki
Woof Woof (Dog)
Meow (kitty)
Thank you
Bye Bye
Night Night

My Butterfly Birthday Party

My 1st birthday party was butterfly themed. My dad made me a super cool table for my friends to sit at. And my Aunt Nichie and Leslie made me some butterfly cupcakes (thanks to william sonoma cupcake pan). I had soooo much fun. I want to thank all of my friends and family for all of the wonderful gifts. We played pin the butterfly on the flower and painted butterflies. We had a butterfly pinata too.

My 1st Birthday!

Wow! My first birthday. My mom made me a cute little cake that I had no idea what to do with. I tried feeding it to everyone else. Can you believe how much I have grown! I am really a tall girl- in the 95% for height.

My first visit to the Children's Musuem

My Grammy took me to the children's museum. It was pretty fun. I tried out everything. I really liked the Blue Man Group exhibit.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My friend Tanner came for a visit

My friend Tanner and his mommy came to visit me for my birthday. We had a lot of fun. I took him to the mountains to ride a train. And to the zoo to see all the animals and ride the carosel. He even came to my birthday party.

Going to Kentucky

I went to visit my family in Kentucky for a week in June. Granny took me to a carnival one day. My Uncle Brian took me on his boat one day. And of course I hung out with Papa and Soccer and helped to water the flowers. I even went swimming in Granny's pool.

Using my new teeth

I sure like using my new teeth. Here is a picture of me eating some watermelon.... a pretzel.....a popsicle... some oranges....a chip.....some corn on the cob. And here is a picture of the first time I fell asleep at my high chair.

Family picture

Here is a picture of me and my family.

Granny & PaPa come for Bubba's Graduation

My grandparents from Kentucky come for my brother Eric's graduation. We had fun. We went to the park everyday. One night we had a party for my brother. They even took me golfing with them one day.


Sunday's we mostly go to church and I get to play with the other kids in the nursery. After church we usually watch some Nascar, my daddy loves to cheer on Jeff Gordon. Then I'll take a nap while dad mows the yard.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Oklahoma City Zoo

I went to the Oklahoma City Zoo with my Grandpa and my friend Audrey and my Mom. I had so much fun letting Grandpa carry me to see the snakes and fish. My favorite fish was the sea horse. I wanted to catch it but the glass was in the way. We had a really good time. Audrey and I even rode on the carousel. I would wave to Mom when I came around. By the end of the day I was so sleepy, I missed seeing the giraffes and zebras because I was snoozing.