Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Two Month Doctor Visit

Miss Lola had her two month doctor visit today. She received 4 shots, 2 in each thigh. Needless to say that Miss Lola had a bad day, although she did not fuss much during the rest of the day it was obvious that she was not having a good day. Later that night she finally went to sleep and woke up in the morning smiling and cooing. You can see the big bandaids they had to put on her thighs. Hopefully she will not be afraid to go back to the doctor :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Two Months!

Well Miss Lola is two months today. She is eating about 4 1/2 oz at a setting around 5 times a day. She is just about 11 lbs. She is still fitting into the newborn clothes and some 3 months size outfits. One of her new favorite things to do is sit in her bouncy chair and watch the fish. She also has discovered she can suck on her hands and fingers. She has been cooing some lately and saying Goo.
She is so wonderful.
Here is a picture of her hand with her daddy's hand.

Friday, August 18, 2006

My big brother Adam goes off to college

Well the past week we have been helping Adam get his things together for his trip to Kentucky. He will be attending the University of Kentucky and staying at the dorms. We all were giving him last minute advice too. Like- the tipping ratio compared to Denver, finding a church to help get refocused for the next week, Don't become pressured into Army recruition, make laundry 'dates', and things of that nature. We let Adam pick a restaurant to eat at that is not in Lexington. Then Thursday Morning Adam came over to get some last breakfast burritos before hitting the road with his mom.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Hugs & Kisses

On the last day my Grandma & Grandpa Buntin played golf with my dad & brother Adam. I hung out with my mom & Great granny while they sewed bags for the mission trip. But the highlight of the last day was the huge fried chicken dinner my dad & grandma's prepared. Everyone really enjoyed it. Then my brothers and dad played one last game of pool with my Grandpa. I gave everyone lots of hugs and kisses before bed because their flight was leaving so early. I sure had a good time visiting with them.

Sight seeing with my Grandmas

We took my grandmas sight-seeing around town. We drove by where dad works then we cruised around downtown. My great granny loved being able to see all of the really tall buildings. For lunch we drove to Boulder. We ate at a restaurant called Lucile's. My grandmas were able to have a close view of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Meanwhile my brother Adam took my grandpa to visit the Airforce Academy. Then my brothers played cards with my grandmas again.

My Grandparents from Kentucky come for a visit.

My Grandma & Grandpa Buntin came to visit me for a few days. They also brought my Great Grandma Fothergill who made me a really cute little pink bonnet. We hung out 0n the deck, went out to eat and my brothers played cards with my grandmas. Eric took my grandpa for a ride in his car. It was really great to meet them.

To the market

Mom & Dad took me to the Farmer's Market for the first time on Saturday. We needed to pick up some things for when my grandparents from Kentucky arrive. We found some corn, beans, tomatoes and cantelope. And we picked out lots of fresh flowers. I sure enjoyed being pushed in the stroller and my parents enjoyed being able to load the stroller instead of carrying it all.

Eric's 17th birthday

TodayAugust 4th was my brother Eric's 17th birthday. We took him to the Fish Company for dinner. After dinner we had dessert at the house.Eric wanted a blueberry pie instead of a cake; so my Dad made him one from scratch. Next, Eric got to open his presents. One thing he got was a guitar case, but he had to go on a scavenger hunt to find it. Finally for Eric's Birthday my dad and brothers went to see the movie Rickie Bobby and have been quoting it ever since.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Mom goes back to work.

Mom went back to work this week. Daddy & I are finding lots of stuff to do. After hanging out in the bed watching Sports Center Daddy finds me something cute to wear. I take a quick nap while he gets ready. Then we get to go for a walk in my stroller- which I really enjoy all the vibrations and bumps from the sidewalk. Daddy reads me stories.
I ride in my swing and watch the ceiling fan.
And I help keep the animals in line.
Mommy only works half a day at the preschool, but I sure have fun hanging out with just me and dad.

happy birthday grandma

Today Grandma came over and we went out to breakfast for her birthday. Mom & Grandma both had chocolate pancakes. It was great to be able to spend time with Grandma on her special day!