Saturday, April 7, 2012

Egg hunt 4-7

Spring! with everything so green,

A splendid morning of fresh soft dew.

I have my basket and my eyes are ready

To gather some friends and hunt for an egg or two.


Just a loving surprise that first Easter morning when the ladies went to the tomb to find it was empty. What is the point of the Easter Egg hunt at church? some say it's to remind us of how the stone was rolled away. Other's think of the dyed eggs(even though they are plastic now a days) should remind us of how Jesus' blood covers our sin. Some might like to think of how we should invite our neighbors to church for a fun time. Another view is that the eggs represent new life and Jesus came to give us new life in Him. There can be a lot of discussion and correlation on what is the point of the Easter egg hunt, I do hope when you and your family attend an 'egg hunt' you remember why we have a reason to celebrate~Jesus willingly gave his life for us so that we may have true life, an everlasting life.

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